August Campbell and The Spur of the Moment Band - Original Recording on 45 RPM - Boy, have times changed.....along came transistor radios, cassette players, cd's, and vcr's (remember Beta and VHS tapes?) Does anyone have a Beta machine, and where do you buy those Beta recording tapes? I just saw one on E-Bay, machine and a big collection of tapes for $77.00. Sears sold all of us Beta machines, only to find out a month later, everyone was buying a machine which used VHS tapes. Then along came, CD's, I-Pods and MP3 Players. I can now record myself taking a shower on my cell phone, download it onto my computer and post it on YouTube, all while my morning coffee is brewing. Fax machines, a thing of the past. I can get my fax sent to my cell phone while I sit at Starbucks and have my Caffé Latte. Boy, have times changed. Technology is alive and well in the good old US of A.
My record label was Flat Baroque Records (like no money broke), but my record was pressed and sent to market. The rest is history. My local hangout has my recording on the jukebox...now played by a Bose Stereophonic Quadraphonic system which could blow the roof off. The locals all know that's me singing....they keep putting their dollar in the jukebox, and I keep on collecting my pennies as royalties. Boy, if I had just put my I-95 song on I-Tunes back then!
My record label was Flat Baroque Records (like no money broke), but my record was pressed and sent to market. The rest is history. My local hangout has my recording on the jukebox...now played by a Bose Stereophonic Quadraphonic system which could blow the roof off. The locals all know that's me singing....they keep putting their dollar in the jukebox, and I keep on collecting my pennies as royalties. Boy, if I had just put my I-95 song on I-Tunes back then!